The Obvious Thing Millionaire Comedians are Missing about Trans People

Megan Gogerty
5 min readMar 5, 2023
The transgender pride flag.

Last night, Chris Rock broadcast his new special Selective Outrage live on Netflix and loudly joined the pantheon of Millionaire Comedians Who Have Opinions on Caitlyn Jenner. He spent some time musing about how he’d feel if his own father came out as trans, and he got in some sly anti-trans digs later (he’s rich but “identifies” as poor, etc.). This was all in the context of railing against “woke-ism” and other cranky-old-man-talk-radio premises that feel as fresh as a gas station hot dog.

The bulk of his special felt perfunctory, perhaps because it was simply laying the groundwork for what he really wanted to talk about: getting slapped at the Oscars by Will Smith.

But I don’t really want to talk about that. I have a question for all these millionaire comedians who somehow can’t resist sharing their hot takes on trans people.

My question is: why do these marquis-named comedians feel the need to have a take on trans issues in the first place? You know, you don’t have to talk about it on stage, fellas. You can talk about anything you like! But they keep talking about it. I think it’s because they think that being trans is ultimately silly. A guy wants to wear a dress and change his pronouns? Fine, but don’t forget: that guy is silly! (In this worldview, trans men don’t…



Megan Gogerty

Playwright. Comedian. Professor. Delightful person. Hailed by the Chicago Reader as 'blond-haired' and 'blue-eyed,' Megan Gogerty is 'a woman.'